CareChex® Awards

Media CareKit Usage Terms

  1. All claims must include the year in which the award or ranking is received. Past year’s awards or rankings may be promoted as long as the award year is present. This may be done either through the display of the award icon which identifies the year or through narrative that states the year.
  2. All visual media must include a CareChex® by Quantros icon from your Media CareKit™.This can be either a specific clinical category award icon (e.g., Medical Excellence in Cardiac Care) or the CareChex® logo icon. Icons must be legible and prominently displayed.
  3. When referencing the “source” of awards or rankings in oral or written form, you must use the citation “CareChex® Awards by Quantros” if digital for, you must link the logo and reference to
  4. When using the names “CareChex®” in visual media, the registered trademark symbol (®) must be included the first instance in which the name is referenced.
  5. All claims must include reference to the appropriate award type: Medical Excellence and/or Patient Safety.
  6. All claims must include the appropriate clinical category, such as “Overall Hospital Care” or “Joint Replacement.” If you use the CareChex® logo icon and not the award icon, then you must also include the appropriate award type: Medical Excellence or Patient Safety per #5 above.
  7. All claims must be clearly attributed to the licensed hospital. When appropriate, you may reference a group of physicians that practice at the facility for the related clinical category and award type (e.g., Cardiac Care Medical Excellence), but not to an individual physician.
  8. The use of one clinical category award is not permitted to be used to promote another clinical category (e.g., an award for Heart Attack Treatment cannot be used to promote Cardiac Care and vice versa). The claim must be specific to the purchased clinical category award.
  9. When creating posts, blogs, tweets, or other content you intend to display on social media sites, the CareChex® logo icon or award icon does not need to be displayed; however, a reference to “CareChex® Awards by Quantros” does need to appear in all communications. Please be sure to tag @Vālenz® Health in all posts.
  10. When a corporate description of CareChex® Awards by Quantros is needed for press releases and other marketing communications, the narrative (below) must be used:
    CareChex® Awards are powered by the Quantros Quality Outcomes Analytics Software. Quantros is a leading provider of software-based solutions and services to healthcare. Unlike other publicly available award rankings CareChex awards are based on comprehensive risk-adjustment methodology and do not include any self-reported data.
  11. If it is determined a client has not complied with Quantros’ Media CareKit Usage Terms, said client will be required to either correct the media content or discontinue use.

Disclaimer - This document provides the Usage Terms regarding the appropriate use of Quantros’ CareChex® Media CareKit™, and for which your organization has agreed to comply with per the terms and conditions of your contract with Quantros. These Usage Terms apply to all references, both oral and written, which relate to Quantros’ CareChex® quality performance awards and rankings, including but not limited to the following:

    • Broadcast Media (e.g., television commercials, radio spots, video, etc.)
    • Print Media (e.g., newspaper, magazines, pamphlets, etc.)
    • Outdoor Media (e.g., billboards, signs, placards, etc.)
    • Internet Content (e.g., websites, social media, email, etc.)
    • Internal Newsletters and Publications